If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time in the car.. commuting, traveling, errands.. how do you spend your alone windshield time? Are you a radio cranked up, jam out person? No music? Talk radio? Return phone call person?
I’ve never been much of a quiet time driver… maybe because I usually had kids with me or would talked on the phone or probably because during the last 6 years, quiet moments or silence were just so crushing.. there’s truly nothing louder than silence in the midst of grief.. man, it’s deafening at times. However, I have slowly been embracing the quiet during my windshield time.. not total silence, but no music either. I’ve found it’s a great time to discuss matters with God, touch base with Him about what’s happening around me, where we’re headed on this journey and of course lift up those that need lifting.. I enjoy just having a casual conversation with my “driver” if you will. Also,I often visit with Colin; yep, I STILL talk to Colin.. I love sharing the happenings of my life, giving him updates on the kids and little loves, and yes, sliding in a reminder every now and then to God and him that I would REALLY like him back; I have found in these moments of conversation, God gives me clarity, hope, renews my faith in following His path and of course, I draw comfort in “chatting” things over with Colin.
Cuz here’s the thing.. there’s something so refreshing in talking about your life and what’s on your heart with your loved ones and Colin is still my loved one; we still share 3 kids and 4 littles; he’s still such a part of me and still that half that makes me feel whole… a different “whole” now, but some how sharing my day, my hurts, my joys, etc. with him, makes it just a bit better… he has always been my “center” and allowed me to be me, AND let’s just be honest, even when he was alive he mostly did more listening then talking, so really not much has changed there 😂😉
I encourage you the next time your stuck in a traffic mess, headed down the highway or waiting for that green arrow, turn down the noise and just take a few moments to embrace your windshield time, check in with God (and maybe even a loved one living in Heaven) and recenter yourself; it might just give you that extra boost or spark you need to make it through your day or night.
Thanks for joining me in the Passenger Seat today…Until next time, buckle up and ALWAYS be kind💖